2025 OPENING DAY: 3/22
Full schedule coming soon.
Congrats to the Crystal Lake Killers for being our 2024 MSSL champions!
Umpires are to be compensated $40 from each team immediately following the game ($80 total).
Each team must exchange line-up cards prior to first pitch.
Each sub must be announced to the umpire, the umpire will announce it to the other manager.
Photos must be submitted within 24hrs of the end of your gamesa. Late submission can be penalized.
Teams not returning ALL equipment after games could be subject to a fine and/or cost of the equipment.
MSSL requires 3 women line-ups.
If a team cannot field enough women for a game, they shall not be able to borrow women if they do not have the minimum ROSTER required women (see roster rules).
If a team has the required ROSTER number of women and cannot field all 3 female spots in their line-up they are allowed to pick-up a maximum of 2 females from another MSSL team UNTIL JUNE 7TH.
AFTER JUNE 7TH teams are allowed to borrow a maximum of 1 female from another MSSL Team (managers must follow the ‘guest player’ protocol)
If a team is using 1 roster player and 1 borrowed player the 3rd spot in the line-up will be an automatic out.
All teams MUST have at least 1 female from their roster to avoid a forfeit.
THREE courtesy runners are allowed per game. No exceptions. They should be announced prior to the start of the game.
The umpire will award a forfeit at 30 minutes after the scheduled start time (generally 4:30pm or 6:30pm), if a team does not meet the minimum lineup requirements. That team will forfeit by a score of 10-0.
Roster Size: There is a 26 player maximum playoff-eligible roster.
All teams must have a minimum of 4 women on their roster.
If a team does not include 4 women on their roster, and they cannot field enough women for a game, they shall not be allowed to borrow women, even if the women are on another MSSL roster.
Managers (and acting managers) found to be writing names in the book of players who are not in attendance shall be punished at the discretion of the commissioner. This will be no less than one game suspension and could result in being banned.
In the event that a team is caught cheating in the WSL, the MSSL Commissioner reserves the right to implement any and all punishment to MSSL teams, including those imposed by the WSL, at their discretion, regardless of the fact that the infraction was committed on a different day and in a different league.
The player(s) and the manager(s) found falsifying books will be punished. The manager is at risk of suspension for 365 days from the date the commissioner finds out about the wrongdoing.
The MSSL reserves the right to issue any punishment and can enforce punishment at any point if knowledge of the indiscretion comes to light.
Individuals who identify as gender non-binary or gender fluid should be able to participate in the MSSL with the gender group in which they feel most comfortable and safe. While the decision will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, the MSSL does require that once the player has chosen where they prefer, they continue to play using those gender rules for the given season.
Follow the MSSL on IG + FB to stay up to date with league details, tournaments and more!

looking for the 2024 schedule or rosters?
A huge thank you to our fantastic league sponsors!
Click any logo to visit each sponsor’s website and/or view their menus!